Presentation Abstract
Faculty's Name: Joan Swanson, Ph.D.
Co-registrant Names:
Type of Presentation: Paper
Presentation Title: "Ravens and Eagles Writing Collaboration"
In the spring of 2024, Franklin Pierce University collaborated with the Jaffrey Rindge Cooperative School District on a Literacy Initiative. Franklin Pierce Ravens held the “Writing Nest” afterschool club for 4th and 5th grade Eagles interested in creating original literary works, which were also recorded in podcasts at the Fitzwater Center, then released to the public. Additionally, the Franklin Pierce students will be conducting two family reading nights for kids and their parents at local elementary schools. This showcase presentation will provide qualitative analysis and insight into foundational work necessary for a community collaboration of this nature. Additionally, Franklin Pierce students who have been involved in the process will provide their perspectives on the process of scaffolding the development of children’s writing projects.
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