Olga L. M. McSorley
Director of Clinical Education and Assistant Professor
- B.S., Health Sciences, Boston University
- MSPT, Physical Therapy, Boston University
- DPT, Physical Therapy, Boston University
- Ed.D.(c), Leadership and Learning, Rivier University
- LS565 - Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
- PTH506 - Introduction to Professional Development and Patient Education
- PTH517 - PY1 Integrated Clinical Experience
- PTH608 - Clinical Education Experience I
- PTH610 - Professional Seminar
- PTH627 - PY2 Integrated Clinical Experience
- PTH701 - Clinical Education Experience II
- PTH702 - Clinical Education Experience III
- PTH703 - Clinical Education Experience IV
- Clinical Education and Professional Development
- Aquatic Physical Therapy
- American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
- New Hampshire Women in Higher Education Leadership
- New England Consortium of Clinical Educators
- NACADA - National Academic Advising Association
- American Physical Therapy Association
- New England Consortium of Clinical Educators (Treasurer)
- New Hampshire Women in Higher Education
O’Neil B, Gonzalez O, Medina K, Gamache J, Melendez McSorley O, Schaumberg E. Aquatic
Therapy as an Alternative Method for Patients with Lower-Limb Amputation: A Systematic
Review [Poster Presentation]. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy
Association, Boston MA, February 2024.
Cassidy L, Boldt T, Eddy R, Enos J, Horne L, McSorley O. Palaima M. Screencast versus
Classroom Lecture: Does Mode of Content Delivery Impact Physical Therapy Student Confidence
with Applying Physical Agents? A Pilot Study [Poster Presentation]. Combined Sections
Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio TX, February 2017.
Cassidy L, McSorley O. When the Master Becomes the Student: A Case Study in Developing
Skills and Confidence in Physical Therapy Students as Clinical Instructors [Poster
Presentation]. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association,
San Antonio TX, February 2017.
Heres D, Liley K, Russell A, McSorley O. Impact of Skilled Pelvic Floor Muscle Therapy
on the Incidence and Severity of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Pregnant and Postpartum
Women: A Systematic Review [Platform Presentation]. Combined Sections Meeting of the
American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio TX, February 2017.
McSorley O. Leadership Through the Latina Lens: The Influence of Female Gender and
Latino Culture on Leadership Style [Platform Presentation]. New England Doctoral Student
Conference, Nashua NH, March 2016.
Wetherbee E, Palaima M, McSorley O. New England Consortium Focus Groups: Identification
of Economic Factors in Clinical Education. J Phys Ther Educ. 2015. 4:52-59.
Parent-Nichols J, McSorley O. Empowering Students for Community Engagement [Education
Session]. Doctoral Conference on Leadership and Learning, Rivier University, Nashua,
NH, March 2015.
Harris M, McSorley O. What Do Millennial PTs Want? Factors That Influence New Graduates’
Early Career Plans [Poster Presentation]. American Physical Therapy Association NEXT
Conference and Exposition, Charlotte, NC, June 2014.
McSorley O, Olimpio D, Sackos D. Economic Challenges of Providing Physical Therapy
for the Uninsured: Incorporating the Role of Students in an Alternative Model of Care
[Education Session]. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association,
Las Vegas, NV, February 2014.
Parent-Nichols J, McSorley O, Greiner A. Collaboration Between a Doctor of Physical
Therapy Program and a Community High School: Promotion of Health and Wellness Programming
[Poster Presentation]. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy
Association, Las Vegas, NV, February 2014.
Principal Investigator/Co-recipient with research partner Dr. Maureen Harris, Jane Walter Venzke Research Award ($2500), “Generational Divide (or Not): Survey Comparisons of Perceptions, Priorities, Preferences and Career Plans of Three Generations of Physical Therapists/Physical Therapist Assistants upon Entering the Workforce.” October 2012 – New Hampshire Chapter, APTA
Institutional Service
- NEASC Self-Study 2018, Standard 5 Team
Academic Service, DPT Program
- DPT Curriculum Committee
- APTA, Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program (CCIP) – Credentialed Clinical Trainer
- APTA – CCIP Online Feasibility Task Force
Community Service
- New England Doctoral Student Conference – member, Planning committee
- Belltower Home Health Care, LLC - member, Advisory Board
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Wetherbee E, Palaima M, McSorley O. “New England Consortium Focus Groups: Identification of Economic Factors in Clinical Education” J Phys Ther Educ. 2015. 4:52-59.
Applebaum D, Portney LG, Kolosky L, McSorley O, Olimpio D, Pelletier D, Zupkus M. Building Physical Therapist Education Networks. J Phys Ther Educ. 2014;28(Supplement 1):30-38.
Peer-Reviewed Presentations
Heres D, Liley K, Russell A, McSorley O. Impact of Skilled Pelvic Floor Muscle Therapy on the Incidence and Severity of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Pregnant and Postpartum Women: A Systematic Review [platform]. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio TX, February 2017.
Cassidy L, Boldt T, Eddy R, Enos J, Horne L, McSorley O, Palaima M. Screencast versus Classroom Lecture: Does Mode of Content Delivery Impact Physical Therapy Student Confidence with Applying Physical Agents? A Pilot Study [poster]. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio TX, February 2017.
Cassidy L, McSorley O. When the Master Becomes the Student: A Case Study in Developing Skills and Confidence in Physical Therapy Students as Clinical Instructors [poster]. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio TX, February 2017.
McSorley O. Leadership through the Latina Lens: The Influence of Female Gender and Latino Culture on Leadership Style [platform]. New England Doctoral Student Conference, Nashua NH, March 2016.
Parent-Nichols J, McSorley O. Empowering Students for Community Engagement [education session]. Doctoral Conference on Leadership and Learning, Nashua NH, March 2015.
Harris M, McSorley O. What Do Millennial PTs Want? Factors that Influence New Graduates’ Early Career Plans [poster]. APTA NEXT Conference and Exposition, Charlotte NC, June 2014.
McSorley O, Olimpio D, Sackos D. Economic Challenges of Providing Physical Therapy for the Uninsured: Incorporating the Role of Students in an Alternative Model of Care (education session). APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Las Vegas NV, February 2014.
Parent-Nichols J, McSorley O, Greiner A. Collaboration between a Doctor of Physical Therapy Program and a Community High School: Promotion of Health and Wellness Programming [poster]. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, February 2014.
McSorley O, Fitzgerald C, Maxwell J, Harris M. A Consortium Website for the 21st Century: Meeting the Needs of Academic and Clinical Partners to Promote Clinical Excellence [platform]. APTA Education Leadership Conference, Portland OR, October 2013.
Nelson L, Applebaum D, Pelletier D, Palaima M, McSorley O, Wetherbee E, Kaufman R. Academic and Clinical Collaboration to Manage Challenges in Clinical Education [education session]. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego CA, January 2013.
Wetherbee E, McSorley O, Palaima M, Pelletier D, Applebaum D, Nelson L, Kaufman R. Rethinking Clinical Education for Physical Therapy: Financial Considerations [platform]. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego CA, January 2013.
Palaima M, Pelletier D, McSorley O, Wetherbee E, Nelson L, Applebaum D, Kaufman R. Strengthening the Academic and Clinical Education Partnership: Focus Group Discussions [platform]. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego CA, January 2013.
McSorley O, Harris M. Generational Divide (or Not): Survey Comparisons of Perceptions, Priorities, Preferences and Career Plans of Three Generations of Physical Therapists/Physical Therapist Assistants upon Entering the Workforce [poster]. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego CA, January 2013.
McSorley O, Olimpio D, Sackos D. Economic Challenges of Providing Physical Therapy for the Uninsured: Incorporating the Role of Students in an Alternative Model of Care [platform]. APTA Education Leadership Conference, Greenwich CT, October 2012.
Wetherbee E, Kaufman R, McSorley O, Pelletier D, Nelson L, Palaima M, Applebaum D. Focus Group Discussions: Meeting the Challenges of Contemporary Clinical Practice and Clinical Education [platform]. APTA Education Leadership Conference, Greenwich CT, October 2012.