Michael B. Mooiman
- BSc, (Hons), Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand
- MSc, Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand
- MBA, Northeastern University
- Ph.D., Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah
- MBA Financial Management
- MBA Future of Energy, Business and Society
- MBA Building a Sustainable Enterprise
- MBA Energy Economics
- MBA Economics
- Statewide energy Issues - focusing on New Hampshire
- Solar power and storage systems
- Precious metals processing
- Sustainability in the mining and metallurgical industries
Professional Memberships
- International Precious Metals Institute, IPMI
- The Minerals, Metals, and Material Society, TMS
- The Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, SME
Conferences Attended
- 41st International Precious Metals Conference, Orlando, FL, June 13-16, 2015
- International Renewable Energy Conference, IREC 2016, Gaborone, Botswana, October, 25-28, 2016
- 2015: Fulbright Scholar - University of Botswana
Mooiman, M.B., “Energy in Botswana" Blog Posts. Started in 2015. See http://botswanaenergy.blogspot.com/.
Mooiman, M.B., “Energy in New Hampshire” Blog Posts, 56 posts, 2012 to present. See http://nhenergy.blogspot.com/.
Mooiman, M.B. and Simpson, L., Book Chapter “Refining of Gold and Silver Bearing Doré”, in Gold Ore Processing: Project Development and Operations, 2nd Edition, Editor, Adams, M.A., Elsevier, 2016.
Mooiman, M.B., Sole, K.C, Dinham, N., Book Chapter “The Precious Metals Industry: Global Challenges, Responses and Prospects” in Metal Sustainability. Editor, Izatt, R.M., Wiley, 2016.
Sole,K.C., Mooiman, M.B., and Hardwick, E., “Present and Future Applications of Ion Exchange in Hydrometallurgy: An Overview,” Proceedings of Ion Exchange 2016, Hydrometallurgy Session, July 2016, pp 1-32, Society of Chemical Industry, London.
Mooiman, M.B., “Evaluation of Grant Criteria and Development of Financial Assessment Tools for the Renewable Energy Commercial and Industrial Competitive Grant Program Administered by the Sustainable Energy Division of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission,” New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission Research Report, July 6, 2014.
Presentation at Presentation at 41st International Precious Metals Conference, June 13-16, 2015, Orlando, FL – “The Precious Metals Industry: Global Challenges, Responses and Prospects,” Mooiman, M.B.
Invited Presenter for Recycling Metals from Industrial Waste, , June 27 - 29, 2017, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado. “Precious Metals Sustainability,” Mooiman, M.B.
Presentation at International Renewable Energy Conference, IREC 2016, October, 25-28, 2016, “The Mokolodi Village Solar Project in Botswana, An Update,” Mooiman, M.B., Matlotse, E., Mbekomize, C., Rakgati, E. and Giffard, K.
Presentation at International Renewable Energy Conference, IREC 2016, October, 25-28, 2016, “A Review of Energy Efficiency Initiatives in Botswana,” Mooiman, M.B., Matlotse, E., and Molefhi, B.
Presentation at International Renewable Energy Conference, IREC 2016, October, 25-28, 2016, “A Multidisciplinary Study of Solar Power in Botswana,” Mooiman, M.B., and Matlotse, E.