Meghan Rohde
Associate Professor
- Bachelor of Science, Health and Sport Science, University of Oklahoma
- Master of Physical Therapy, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
- Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Montana
- PTH628 Special Topics in Strength and Conditioning and Nutrition
- PTH517 Integrated Clinical Experience (Part-Time)
- PTH527 Integrated Clinical Experience III (Part-Time)
- PTH630 Sports Injury Management and Prevention
- PTH730 Evidence Based Practice II
- PTH504 Pathophysiology
- PTH720 Evidence Based Practice I
- PTH528 Kinesiology
- PTH506 Introduction to Professional Development
- PTH702 Clinical Internship II
- PTH608 Full-Time Integrated Clinical Experience
- Women's Health
- Pregnancy and Post-Partum Physical Therapy
- Female Athlete Considerations
- Firefighter Health and Safety
Professional Memberships
- Physical Therapy Association, Sports and Women's Health Sections
- Board member, Female Athlete Special Interest Group
- National Strength and Conditioning Association
Conferences Attended
- American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting
- American Physical Therapy Association Sports Section Team Concept Conference
Grants Received
- Electrocardiographic responses to fighting fires in desert heat conditions, Dean's Incentive Grant, $6,697.70
- College of Graduate and Professional Studies Executive Committee
- Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Curriculum Committee
- Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Clinical Education Committee
- Franklin Pierce University, Unified Faculty Senate
Rovig, M, Morrell, K, Bailey, P, Kane S, Dolan, M (2016) Does core strength predict vertical jump in college-aged athletes: A systematic Review. Poster Presentation, Combined Sections Meeting, APTA, San Antonio, TX
Rovig, M, Duvall D, Girdner, J, Sanchez, V, Kira, N. (2016). Eccentric Hamstring Strengthening Versus Lumbopelvic Strengthening as Compared to Other Interventions in Treating Hamstring Strain Injuries: A Systematic Review. Poster Presentation, Combined Sections Meeting, APTA, Anaheim, CA
Fire Department Safety Officers Association, National Conference:
What Does it Mean to be Operationally Ready? (September 2014)
National Fallen Firefighters Foundation-AZ Chapter (May 2013)
When Does On-Duty Fitness Cross Operational Readiness?
Arizona Athletic Trainer’s Association annual meeting 2012
Diagnosis and Management of Hip Injuries
Better Than Ever Race Series, Tucson, AZ
Using Plyometrics to Supplement Endurance Training (October 2012)
Supplemental Strengthening and Mobility for Endurance Training (August 2013)
Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Staff Retreat (June 2010)
Management of the Pregnant and Postpartum Patient
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Northeast Ohio (December 2009)
How to Increase Mileage Safely for the Endurance Runner