RuiPing (Rebecca) Xia, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
- Ph.D. in Neurophysiology, Department of Physiology, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
- Master of Science (M.S.) in Biomedical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biomedical Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
- Critical Inquiry I, II
- Expertise Practice in Physical Therapy (Capstone Course)
- Motor Control
- Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience
- Oral Defense of Research and Presentations (Capstone Course)
- Evidence-based Practice I, II, III, IV and V
- Motor Control Across the Lifespan
- Evidence-based practice
- neuroscience
- sensorimotor integration
- motor control
- Parkinson's disease
- neurologic rehabilitation
- educational research
Personal Interests: Travel, work out, and reading are among top of my personal interests.
Teaching Statement
My philosophy of teaching is based on a foundational belief, and an old saying: “Give
a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man how to fish and you feed him
for a lifetime.” I strongly believe that the goal of education in any disciplines
is to help students discover methods for lifelong learning and establish a sense of
responsibility to seek knowledge. I am a strong advocate of the “Active Learning”
paradigm, as its effectiveness is widely supported by literature in educational research.
To reach this goal, I structure and practice my teaching based on various pedagogical
principles and techniques, to help students build critical thinking skills and develop
a systematic approach towards problem solving, and to relate course materials to real-life
situations, to list a couple of examples. I also consistently apply multiple measures
to evaluate students’ learning to incorporate any necessary and timely changes.
I view teaching and research complementary to each other. My research has focused
on neurologic rehabilitation and scholarship of teaching and learning. I have utilized
a variety of research designs in my work and published them in peer-reviewed journals.
In conclusion, my commitment and experience have prepared me to continuously pursue
and achieve excellence of and effectiveness of teaching!
Professional Memberships
- American Physical Therapy Association
- Society for Neuroscience
Grants Recieved
- Differentiation of Central Versus Peripheral Fatigue in Parkinson’s Disease
- Supplemental Grant to Physiological and biomechanical analyses of Parkinsonian
- Member of Institutional Review Board, Franklin Pierce University
- Member of Admission Committee, Arizona Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Franklin Pierce University
Conferences Attended
- American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meetings
- IV STEP 2016 Conference hosted by APTA Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy
- Educational Leadership Conference
- Society for Neuroscience Meetings
- International Congress of Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders
- Research Award, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Creighton University, Omaha
March 2010 - Sarah Baskin Award for Excellence in Research (1st Place)
Northwestern University/Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Illinois
June 2003 - National Institutes of Health Research Training Fellowship
August 1998 to March 2000
Selected Conference Presentations |
Role: Principal investigator (Principal Investigator/PI - Xia)
Amount: $110,992.00
Title of Research: Supplemental Grant to Physiological and biomechanical analyses
of Parkinsonian rigidity, issued under American Reinvestment in Recover Act 2009
Date: 09/30/09 to 09/29/11
Source: National Institutes of Health (National Center for Medical Rehabilitation
External funding
Role: Principal investigator (PI - Xia)
Amount: $223,711.00
Title of Research: Physiological and biomechanical analyses of Parkinsonian rigidity
Date: 01/15/09 to 12/31/11
Source: National Institutes of Health (National Center for Medical Rehabilitation
External funding
Role: Co-investigator (Co-I; PI: Threlkeld)
Amount: $360,981.00
Title of Research: Differentiation of Central Versus Peripheral Fatigue in Parkinson’s
Date: 08/01/12 to 07/31/14
Source: National Institute on Aging
External funding
Other Grants (external and interval)
Role: Research Mentor to Student PI (Garza; Tenpenny)
Amount: $3000.00
Title of Project: LSVT BIG to manage motor and nonmotor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease:
a mixed methods study
Date: 09/01/2023 to 08/31/2025
Source: The LSVT Global
External funding
Role: Project Director
Amount: $500.00
Title of Project: Global Campaign of the Brain Awareness Movement
Date: 01/01/15 to 05/31/15
Source: University of Saint Mary
Internal funding
Role: Co-investigator (Co-I; PI: Nelson)
Amount: $2,200.00
Title of SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning): Assessing physical therapy students’
perceptions related to the utility of the Kinect video gaming system for balance and
movement interventions
Date: 01/12/11 to 12/31/11
Source: Creighton University Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment (AEA)
Internal funding
Role: Principal investigator (PI)
Amount: $20,000.00
Title of Research: System Identification and Modeling Approach to Characterizing Rigidity
in Parkinson’s Disease
Date: 07/01/08 to 06/30/10
Source: Creighton University Health Future Foundation Faculty Development Award
Internal funding
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI; Co-PI: Fleck)
Amount: $2,000.00
Title of SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning): Attitudes of Doctoral Occupational
Therapy and Physical Therapy Students Toward Coursework in Critical Inquiry Research
and Evidence Based Practice
Date: 03/01/09 to 02/28/10
Source: Creighton University Office for Academic Excellence and Assessment (AEA)
Internal funding
Role: Principal investigator (PI)
Amount: $40,000.00
Title of Research: Quantification of bradykinesia and rigidity in Parkinson’s disease
Date: 10/01/06 – 09/30/09
Source: Creighton University, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
Internal funding
Role: Principal investigator (PI)
Amount: $124,000.00
Title of Research: Physiological mechanism of rigidity in Parkinson’s disease
Date: 08/15/03 – 09/30/06
Source: Nebraska Tobacco Settlement Biomedical Research Development Fund
Internal funding
Role: Co-investigator (Co-I; PI: Rymer/Schmidt)
Amount: $50,000.00
Title of Research: Physiology of rigidity in Parkinson’s disease
Date: 03/01/02 to 02/28/03
Source: NIH - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
External funding
Role: Co-principal investigator (Co-PI; PI: Rymer)
Amount: $99,557.00
Title of Research: Pathophysiology of muscle spasms in spinal cord injury
Date: 03/01/00 to 02/28/02
Source: Paralyzed Veterans of America – Spinal Cord Research Foundation
External funding
Professional Memberships
Member of Society for Neuroscience
Faculty Partners, American Physical Therapy Association
Presentations (selected ones within the past 10 years)
Hennessey V, Scott K, Suchsland M, Utech K, Morris SR, Xia R. Efficacy of manual therapy in the treatment of migraine headache: a systematic review. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Washington DC, January 26, 2019.Morris SR, Xia R, Klaassen TS, Yosten MA, Johnson TA, Mills KE. Influence of participation in a pro bono clinic on cultural competence in in doctor of physical therapy students. Kansas Physical Therapy Association Spring Conference. Wichita KS, April 9, 2018
Kennebeck W, Gaston K, Tran Y, Zarich H, Xia R. Efficacy of cryotherapy on spasticity in people with neurological disorders: A systematic review. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana; February 22, 2018
Xia R. Differentiation of neural reflex and muscular intrinsic contributions to rigidity in Parkinson’s disease. Platform Presentation at 1st World Congress of Biomedical Engineering. Xi’an, China; November 11, 2017
Ronck T, Sanft R, Eason R, Silvey R, Bliss B, Xia R. Relationship between Exercise and Fatigue Level in People with Parkinson’s Disease. APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) Combined Sections Meeting. San Antonio, Texas; February 18, 2017
Henning M, Myers S, Ooton C, Semaan J, Bahner C, Xia R. Effectiveness of Exercise Program on Reducing Fatigue in Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. San Antonio, Texas; February 18, 2017
Xia R, Bahner C, Bliss B, Bond B, Dehan J, Hendricks C, Kinslow CD, Morris S, Yoder AW. Implementation of Journal Club in Facilitation of Doctoral Physical Therapy Students’ Appraisal Skills of Research Evidence: Qualitative Exploration of Students’ Experiences. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. San Antonio, Texas, February 17, 2017
Wang KJ, Sun M, Xia R, Mao ZH. Human-robot symbiosis framework on exoskeleton devices. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, March 14, 2016
Xia R, Bahner C, Bond B, Dehan J, Hendricks C, Kinslow CD, Yoder AW. Effect of Journal Club on Doctor of Physical Therapy Students' Appraisal Skills of Research Evidence. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Anaheim, California, February 19, 2016
Yoder AW, Xia R. Effectiveness of Manual Therapy for Tension Type Headache: A Systematic Review. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Anaheim, California, February 19, 2016
Xia R. Muthumani A, Mao ZH, Powell D. Natural history of rigidity in Parkinson’s disease. Society for Neuroscience 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, USA, October 19, 2015
Xia R. Bringing neuroscience from classroom to community. Society for Neuroscience 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, USA, October 17, 2015
Wang KJ, Sun M, Xia R, Mao ZH. Co-Adaptive optimal control framework for human-robot physical symbiosis. The 10th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Portland OR, March 3, 2015
Xia R, Klappa S. Relationship between learning outcomes and students’ attitudes toward evidence-based physical therapy course. APTA Combined Sections Meeting No. 2153, Indianapolis IN, February 6, 2015
Xia R, Powell D, Mao ZH. Comparison of progression rate between neural and non-neural rigidity components in Parkinson’s disease. Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, November 15, 2014
Powell D, Muthumani A, Fang X, Threlkeld AJ, Xia R. Contralateral activation and enhanced rigidity in Parkinson's disease: neural and non-neural contributions. 17th Canadian Society for Biomechanics, Barnaby BC, Canada, June 2012
Kremer L, Wagner L, Muthumani A, Powell D, Threlkeld A, Xia R. Quantitative Evaluation of Parkinsonian Rigidity Progression over Time. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago Illinois, February 2012
Gillman AC, Lindseth NM, Beisel LH, Powell D, Xia R, Threlkeld AJ. Assessing lower extremity muscle fatigue: Do isometric and isokinetic protocols provide equivalent measures? APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago Illinois, February 2012
Delavan J, Simonson B, Xia R, Threlkeld AJ, Powell D+. Physical activity patterns are similar in old adults and individuals with Parkinson’s disease. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago Illinois, February 2012
Powell D, Benes A, Konor M, Hanson NJ, Kerschen K, Gustafson A, Xia R, Threlkeld AJ. Mechanical and neurophysiological manifestations of fatigue in Parkinson’s disease. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Chicago Illinois, February 2012
Powell D, Muthumani A, Hanson NJ, Threlkeld AJ, Xia R. Velocity dependency of parkinsonian rigidity assessed at the wrist joint. 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Long Beach CA, August 2011
Muthumani A, Powell D, Hanson NJ, Kremer L, Wagner L, Threlkeld AJ, Xia R. Relationship between neural-reflex torque and muscle reflex response in parkinsonian rigidity. 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Long Beach CA, August 2011
Muthumani A, Powell D, Haider H, Threlkeld AJ, Xia R. Relationship between movement speed and regularity of movement in Parkinson’s disease. 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Long Beach CA, August 2011
Xia R, Hanson NJ, Powell D, Muthumani A, Bertoni J, Threlkeld AJ. Efficacy of dopaminergic medication on neural and non-neural components of rigidity in Parkinson’s disease. The MDS 15th International Congress of Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders. Toronto Ontario, Canada. June 2011
Threlkeld AJ, Hanson NJ, Powell D, Kerschen K, Gustafson A, Xia R. Voluntary Activation of the Quadriceps Muscle in Parkinson's Disease. Platform presentation at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans LA, February 2011
Powell D, Hanson NJ, Threlkeld AJ, Xia R. Effect of Contralateral Hand Activation on Enhancement of Parkinsonian Rigidity. Poster presentation at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans LA, February 2011
Threlkeld AJ, Kerschen K, Gustafson A, Hanson NJ, Powell D, Xia R. Fatigue of the Quadriceps in Parkinson's Disease is Dependent on Contraction Speed. Poster presentation at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans LA, February 2011.
Community Service
Editorial board member of Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science
Editorial board member of Open Journal of Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Manuscript reviewer for Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, Spinal Cord, Clinical
Neurophysiology; Experimental Brain Research, and others
Church choir member, Northwest Chinese Baptist Church, Phoenix AZ
Interpreter, Northwest Chinese Baptist Church, Phoenix AZ