MPAS Students Support the Dartmouth-Hitchcock NICU
Nov 20, 2019
Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) students collected 728 books this fall, which they delivered to the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This 30-bed unit provides care for babies born prematurely or being treated for other health issues.
The books will be used as a rotating lending library and some will be given to parents to take home to continue reading. Research shows that babies receive significant health benefits when they hear their parents' voices reading to them. Parents also benefit from the bonding that results, as there is often little else they can do for their infant while in intensive care.
In other news from the MPAS program…
Welcome to the new cohort of MPAS students who started orientation in Lebanon, N.H. on November 18!
Read more about the MPAS program, and recent MPAS graduate, Russell Arpin ’16, MPAS ’19, in the Spring 2019 Pierce Magazine. /images/news/PierceMagazine-SpringSummer2019%20MPAS%20Story.pdf