Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbard Visits the Rindge Campus for Pizza & Politics
Oct 4, 2019
On Thursday, October 3, U.S. Rep. and Democratic presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard visited the Rindge campus to participate in Pizza & Politics, a series of on-campus conversations between students and presidential candidates. Hosted by the student organization PoliticsFitzU, the series is open to the public and members of the media. Introduced by Dr. Kristen Nevious, director of the Marlin Fitzwater Center for Communication, the event featured an interview session with Franklin Pierce students Dante Comacho ’20, Casey Eldred ’21, and Paul Lambert ’22 followed by a general question and answer period with members of the public and visiting press outlets. Gabbard also spoke with Pierce at 4 News. Questions addressed to Gabbard, a combat veteran who represents Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district, covered a wide range of topics, including economic affairs, the environment, nuclear weapons and current political events. Based on her standing in recent polls, she qualified to be included in the fourth televised Democratic debate scheduled to occur on Tuesday, October 15, 2019. |