Mar 20, 2018

The Keene Young Professionals Network, in collaboration with The Business Journal of Greater Keene, Brattleboro, and Peterborough, and The Keene Sentinel recognized 11 emerging business and community leaders from the Monadnock Region on March 15. The fifth annual Trendsetters Awards seeks to honor young professionals under the age of 40, who are making a difference to the local community.
Franklin Pierce University was a first-time sponsor of the awards this year where President Kim Mooney was asked to present to the audience of honorees and their supporters.
“Since becoming President in 2016, I have made it a priority to advocate for the University’s broader, more intentional engagement with local communities and businesses. I believe a new partnership paradigm between higher education and businesses will promote mutual sustainability.”
In her remarks, President Mooney praised all 11 award recipients, saying “I sincerely congratulate you tonight and look to work with you to direct a creative communication among higher education leaders, business leaders, political leaders, and trendsetters. This dialogue between us will lend to student and talent retention strategies for all of us in the region.”