New On-Campus Cafe
Jan 1, 2020

Library Café
The wait is over! President Mooney made it official when she cut the ribbon to open the Library Cafe this morning!
Jonathan Busolin, Matt Toombs, President Mooney, and Hailey Derosa took part in the ribbon cutting. Jonathan, Matt & Hailey are part of the student business group that proposed and created the business plan for the cafe.
Students, faculty and staff enjoyed Prime Roast coffee, fruit smoothies, cookies, muffins and other pastries in the new Café.
President Mooney greeted the crowd and noted, “This is more than just a café, it offers another place for the community to gather and engage.”
Sneak Peek Event
December 11, 2017
For months, you may have been wondering, “What has been going on in the back of the DiPietro Library?”
Well, your curiosity was quelled recently when President Mooney and Judith Rogers, Owner of Prime Roast Coffee (Keene, NH), hosted a sneak peek of the new Library Café.
Students, faculty and staff filled the space where they were able to sample Prime Roast coffee flavors that will be served in the new café. Flavors included Java, Costa Rican, Honduran, and Dark Honduran and attendees had the opportunity to vote for their favorite flavor. Judith Rogers exclaimed, “It is wonderful that Prime Roast coffee was invited to campus, we are very picky on where we sell our goods, and we are so excited to be here at Franklin Pierce University.” The sneak peek also included a sampling of different pastries, provided by Fantini Bakery in Haverhill, MA that will also be available at the café.
President Kim Mooney added, “I am excited that students now have another place on campus where they can gather. In addition it provides an excellent opportunity for Franklin Pierce University to partner with businesses in the Monadnock Region.”
The packed room was filled with laughter, lively conversation as students commented on how great the food and coffee were; “The Java blend is my favorite”, “I can’t wait to spend time at this new hang- out spot”, “the chocolate chip cookies are my favorite.” Students are also excited as they have a voice on how the new café is going to look, the music that will be played, what sorts of drinks will be offered, all of which will create “the vibe” of the Library Café.
The project is the result of the hard work of the Business Incubator student group who suggested the idea of a café on campus. Student Incubator President Taylor Fletcher said, “That since there was no such place on campus, the thought was to bring the engagement that students were taking off-campus back to the campus.” After the long process of market research, business plan formulation, and presenting their idea to the community, the group is excited to see this plan come to fruition. The overwhelmingly positive response serves as justification. The campus community as a whole is very excited to have such a café in the library and even more eager to attend the Grand Opening on January19th.
Director of Marketing, Amanda Kauffman, estimates that over 400 attended this event and added, “It was wonderful to see such an enthusiastic group of students, faculty, and staff visit the Library Café during the President’s sneak peek. I think I speak for the entire campus community in saying, we can’t wait for the café to open next semester!”
After the Grand Opening, the Library Café will be open in conjunction with the DiPietro Library open hours. This includes extended hours during finals.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the Grand Opening on January 19!
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