FPU Awarded Non-Profit of the Year
Feb 3, 2017

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Franklin Pierce University is proud to announce that it has been chosen by the Jaffrey Chamber of Commerce as the organization’s 2016 “Non-Profit of the Year.”
The Jaffrey Chamber presents this award to a non-profit organization that displays an outstanding contribution to the area’s quality of life and to the betterment of the community through enriching and improving the lives of its citizens.
“We are honored and humbled by the acknowledgement of our participation and engagement with local communities like Jaffrey,” said President Kim Mooney. “We are proud to have our students, staff and faculty represent the University within Jaffrey businesses and schools, and we are grateful for the mentorship opportunity that this provides to our students,” Mooney added.
Franklin Pierce students are strongly encouraged to engage with surrounding local communities, through volunteering efforts at local elementary and middle schools, Kitty Rescue and Adoption, Jaffrey Head Start, Monadnock Bible Conference After School Program, Boynton Buddies, Good Shephard Rehabilitation and Nursing Center or tutoring at the Jaffrey Elementary School.
The University also extends access to its resources to the greater Jaffrey-Rindge community, making the DiPietro Library, the “Bubble” recreational facility, hiking and biking trails, tennis courts and Pearly Pond Beach available to local community members. Additionally, community members are welcome at all sporting events, many cultural events that are presented free of charge, and a very popular annual Trick or Treat event hosted on campus for hundreds of local community children and their families. The University also offers its campus to the popular QUEST program, which is a joint effort between the local school district, the University, and the Jaffrey-Rindge Rotary Club.
Lastly, the University instills its pride to be headquartered in the Monadnock region in each of its students. As a result, many students remain in the area after graduation, making an economic contribution and providing an employee base for local communities and economies.
Representatives of Franklin Pierce, including President Mooney, will be present to accept this award on Friday, February 17 at 5:30 p.m. during the Jaffrey Chamber’s Annual Meeting and Dinner at the Shattuck Golf Club in Jaffrey. The public is cordially invited to attend. The cost is $45 per person and an RSVP is required by February 10 by calling Becky Newton at (603) 532-4549 or emailing info@jaffreychamber.com. Reservations can also be made online by visiting www.jaffreychamber.com.