President Mooney Welcomes Students Back to Rindge
Jan 27, 2021

As we officially kick off the spring semester on the Rindge Campus today, I would
like to take this opportunity to welcome you all back home and offer my sincere gratitude
to each member of our community.
To our staff and faculty, your adaptability, ingenuity, and dedication allowed us to safely bring our students back to Rindge for in-person living and learning. To our students, you have once again answered the call to be vigilant with your health and safety, and the well-being of those around you. Thank you all for your ongoing commitment to the necessary protocols in place to protect each and every one of us.
Although we have much work ahead of us and many challenges yet to face this spring,
working together, I am confident we will once again have a successful semester on
While COVID-19 still impacts the way we work, learn, and come together to celebrate
long-standing traditions, the resiliency of spirit that exemplifies Raven Nation,
what makes this place so special, remains on full display.
I want to acknowledge the tremendous efforts of our entire community, notably Student Affairs, Residence Life, Health and Wellness Services, and the Facilities departments. Our Student EMTs were also invaluable throughout the move-in process. Since Sunday morning, we welcomed nearly 1,200 new students and returning students to the Rindge campus. Staggered move-in times, robust testing protocols, and new student orientation were all well-planned and executed safely. A special thank you to all who gave their time to assist with move-in and testing and the contact tracing teams whose work will be so critical to our success this spring.
As we look ahead to the spring, I remain optimistic and realistic: our experiences from the fall will lend to our successes this spring, but the months ahead will require conscientious daily effort. I am truly proud of all that Raven Nation has come together to accomplish and remain grateful for your patience, your support and outpouring of Pierce Pride.