Evaluation Kit/Course Evaluations FAQ
What is it?
EvaluationKit is an online survey system used for Faculty and Course Evaluations.
Who get surveyed with this system?
Students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate Main Campus or Academc Centers (Manchester,
Arizona, Red-Rock, Lebanon, etc.) courses. Enrollments are copied from Canvas rosters.
Can I log into EvaluationKit? How?
If you have an account you will receive a timely email with a PRIVATE login link. Please do not share the private link!
Students can access using the link in their Canvas course navigation - click on Course Evaluations.
Faculty - access through Canvas: Log into Canvas, click the Help Button and select EvlauationKit - Faculty Course Evaluations.
Why does it say, "No Active Survey Available"?
If you are a student trying to take a survey, the survey may have closed. Check the
email for specific dates.
If you are an instructor, you may have multiple roles in the system, and can change roles from "Student/Respondent" to "Instructor" on the top navigation bar.
How and when do students find out about and take the surveys?
Student receive emails from evaluations@franklinpierce.ediu and see a notification in Canvas. The first email is sent as soon as the survey
opens. Periodic reminders are sent to non-respondents.
How and when do teachers & departments find out about surveys and get results?
Emails are sent on a preset schedule based around survey and report access dates,
with the first notification sent a few days prior to the survey start, and the last
notification sent once results are released. Only evaluations that recieve 5 or more
responses from students are released to faculty. If you log into Watermark and it
displays 'no results available' then the survey most likely did not recieve the sufficient
amount of student responses.
When are students surveyed?
Rindge Semester Courses - surveys open two weeks prior to the last regular day of
classes and close prior to final exam week.
Undergraduate Online Courses - the surveys open two weeks prior to the course ending and close on Monday after the course ends.
Graduate Courses - the survey's open on Saturday of Week 10 and close on Monday after the term ends.
What about retaliatory grading?
To minimize the potential for retaliatory grading, results are not released until
after final grades have been submitted. Results are also anonymous.
How long are the surveys open?
Students have two weeks to complete course evaluations.
Can a survey be reset, reopened, or extended?
Surveys can be reset to be retaken during the scheduled survey period only at the
request of the student. Once the survey period closes, they cannot be reset or reopened.
A survey cannot be extended.
What if the course is not published in Canvas?
Surveys are available via the links that are found in the emails.
Are survey responses anonymous?
Yes. Responses never show names.
Who gets to see the survey responses?
Responses are delivered to Lab Assistants, Teachers, and authorized recipients in
the academic unit (e.g. Deans, department administrators).
When are survey responses available to TAs, Teachers, etc.?
No sooner than one week after final grades are due. Teachers are sent course-specific
Report Access Start Dates via email after results have been released.
How are courses with multiple instructors or TAs handled?
Students are given the option to survey any TA or Teacher that is assigned to their
section. Surveys are split by section for "crosslisted" courses, so students will
only see their own section's instructors, even if many sections share the same Canvas
How are Canvas roles handled in EvaluationKit?
"Students" receive surveys about "Lab Assistants" and "Teachers". Other roles are
ignored and not surveyed.
How can a Teacher or Admin see response rates while a survey is running?
Log into EvaluationKit; the Response Rate Tracker is displayed on the home page.
For details, click the name of the project shown in the Response Rate Tracker box.
(Note: this is for rates only, not actual responses.)
How can a Teacher or Admin see response rates for a survey that has closed?
Log into EvaluationKit. Click Results, then Response Rate Tracker. In the Search
box, change Status to Ended, and click search. Click the name of the project you want
to show response rates for. (Note: this is for rates only, not actual responses.)
How can a Teacher or Admin view results while the survey is in progress or has just
You cannot. Survey responses are kept private until after final grades are submitted.
How can a Teacher or Admin view results now that they are available?
Log into EvaluationKit using the link in your Canvas course or in the Help Button
in Canvas. Projects Results are posted on the home screen. Additional views are available;
click Results and choose Instructor Results or Report Builder, and follow the prompts.
How can a Teacher or Admin view results from previous semesters/terms?
Log into EvaluationKit. Recent results are posted on the home screen. To find older
results, Click Results and choose Project Results, Instructor Results, or Report Builder,
and follow the prompts. Note: Only surveys taken through EvaluationKit are available.
Can the survey questions be changed or updated?
Survey questions can only be changed or updated at the direction of the Faculty Senate
or department administration for some programs.
Can custom survey questions be added by an instructor?
Not at this time.
Why can I only see my own results even though I am set up for my whole department?
If you have both types of access, you can change roles from Instructor to Administrator
on the top navigation bar to see department results.
How can I get access to bulk survey results for my campus, college, or subject area?
Contact CTL@franklinpierce.edu to request additional report support.