Outstanding undergraduates recognized at Honors Convocation
May 13, 2020
Franklin Pierce University is proud to announce the undergraduate students who have excelled in their disciplines and earned Honors and High Honors in their majors, as well as those who have earned special awards and recognitions for outstanding achievements. Traditionally these awards are given in an Honors Convocation ceremony on the Rindge campus on the last day of classes. This year, due to the fact that students, faculty, and staff are working and studying remotely, the University is recognizing these outstanding students with a virtual Honors Convocation that can be viewed at franklinpierce.edu/convocation. Awards are presented from the Franklin Pierce Alumni Association, the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, the College of Health and Natural Sciences, and the College of Business. In addition, students who have completed the university’s Honors Program are recognized, and special prizes and scholarships are presented from Academic Affairs. The criteria and recipients for each award are viewable in a video format on the website. We encourage community members to visit the Honors Convocation webpage, and join the University in congratulating these exceptional scholars. |