The dipietro library
The DiPietro Library building serves as a hub for information, study, reference services, writing support, career services, and IT support.
Please note that some policies below are fluid.
- Masks no longer need to be worn by those entering or using the library.
- For Fall semester, we will retain the same hours of operation we used during Spring
Mon-Wed 7:45 am- midnight; Thur 7:45 am-11 pm; Fri 7:45 am-6 pm; Sat noon-6 pm; Sun noon to midnight. - There will no social distancing or traffic flow restrictions in the library.
- Furniture currently in storage can again be deployed.
- No capacity limits will be set for the facility.
- The seat reservation system will no longer be used (except for reserving group study rooms). There will no longer be limits set for Group Study rooms.
- Plexiglass shields are available at the Circulation Desk.
- Hand sanitizing stations will be retained all across campus, including the library.
- Consumption of food and drink is again allowed in the library.
- There are no longer limits placed on numbers of patrons using the restrooms or the elevator.
- The A/B system for library computers will no longer be used.
- Patrons may continue to request that items be held for them as outlined on the page: “Patrons may request items be held for them for pick up at a designated shelf on the facility’s first floor by clicking the “Place Hold” button on an item’s catalog record.
- Face to face reference service will return, though chat reference will be retained.
- Patrons no longer need to wipe down surfaces after use, though the library will provide baskets containing cleaning supplies should they wish to.
- Beginning September 1, the library will allow area residents to use the facility again.
Library Introduces Reservation System
The DiPietro Library welcomes students to use our facilities and resources!
In order to adhere to occupancy limits and general health and safety guidelines, however, we ask that you reserve a seat, group study room, or computer if you plan to be in the Library for more than five minutes. Students may reserve space before coming to the Library or once they arrive. The link for reservations is also available on the Library web page by clicking on the “Reserve a Seat” button.
Note: if you are entering the Library to pick up a print job or other item, you do not need a reservation.
Once you have accessed the system, simply follow the directions on the screen.
After you have reserved a seat, you will receive an email that includes a code you need to complete the reservation process. When you arrive, scan the QR code taped onto the seat, room, or computer you have reserved, and then enter the code provided in the email message.
Once your work is finished, please use the check-out button and disinfect the area using wipes provided.
If you encounter problems, please email, call (603) 899-4140 or stop by the Circulation Desk.
For questions about the DiPietro Library, please email, University Librarian.