Doctor of Physical Therapy - New Hampshire
All information below is based on 2024-2025 pricing effective 6/1/24 and loan limits for first-year DPT students.
The current tuition rate is $14,270 per term plus a $170 comprehensive fee charged each term. Charges are subject to change June 1st of every year. New pricing is generally posted online in by May each year.
Estimated Tuition & Fees for Program:
Tuition $142,700
Comp Fee $1,700
Total $144,400
Typically, we award DPT students the maximum allowed based on annual Cost of Attendance: $110,432 per year/four terms which includes tuition, fees, books, supplies, course materials, equipment, transportation, food & housing. This is awarded through two federal loans: an Unsubsidized Stafford loan of $20,500 (the maximum allowed each financial aid year) and the balance with a Graduate PLUS loan of $84,164. The funds are divided evenly over all four terms and disbursed after Add/Drop period has ended each term. A student accepting the maximum can expect to have approximately $10,783 available to be used for food & housing each term. Students are under no obligation to take the full amount and have the opportunity to reduce the amount when they accept their loans. We recommend students contact the Student Financial Services office if they are not going to take the maximum so we can recommend a loan amount to best meet their needs.
Please note that a Loan Origination Fee is deducted before each disbursement is released to the school. As of October 1, 2020, the Loan Origination Fee for the Stafford loan is 1.057% and for the Graduate PLUS is 4.228%. This is how the loans will net out with the loan fees deducted:
Stafford | $20,500 | $20,284 | $5,071 |
Graduate PLUS | $84,164 | $80,608 | $20,152 |
Total Loans: | $104,664 | $100,892 | $25,223 |
From July 1, 2022 through June 31, 2023, the interest rate for the Stafford loan is 6.54% and for the Graduate PLUS is 7.54%. Interest rates are subject to change on July 1, 2023.
Applying For Financial Aid
Apply for financial aid at Franklin Pierce by submitting a FAFSA.
We will package your aid when your FAFSA has been received. After your financial aid offer is prepared, it will be posted to CampusWeb and you will be sent an email with instructions on how to view/accept/decline your loans. You will also receive reminder email notices if any other action needs to be taken to complete the financial aid process such as:
- Entrance Counseling: If this is your first time borrowing as a student at Franklin Pierce University, you will need to complete Entrance Counseling.
- Graduate Plus Loan Application: If accepting the Graduate PLUS loan, you will need to complete a Graduate PLUS Loan Application.
- Master Promissory Notes: If accepting the Unsubsidized Stafford loan and/or the Graduate PLUS loan, you will need to complete a Master Promissory Note.
- Refund Request Form: If you are taking loans in an amount over the tuition and fees to use for living expenses, you will need to submit a Refund Request form with All Terms checked off. This is to ensure that you get your refund at the earliest possible time each term. The Refund Schedule, Refund Request Form, and other important forms are available on our Financial Aid Forms page.
If you prefer to use private loans to fund your education, please let us know what lender you have applied to and the amount of the loan so we can coordinate disbursements with them. If you are researching loans, please note that we have a Preferred Lender List for you to use.
REFUNDS FOR BOOKS, SUPPLIEs,Course materials,equipment, food & housing
Credit left on the accounts after tuition, fees, bookstore charges, etc. have been deducted can be used for education related and food and housing expenses. These funds are released to the student in the form of a refund check about two to three weeks after the start of the term. A first-year student taking the maximum loan amount will receive an average of $10,564 per term. A Refund Schedule is posted online to assist students with planning their finances.
A Refund Request Form must be submitted each financial aid year to request that the credit balance be released to the student each term. Checks are mailed to the address in the main university computer system. When you need to change the address on file, contact the Registrar’s Office via phone: 603-899-4068 or via email:
It is highly recommended that students sign up for Direct Deposit Refund so that your refund check can be electronically deposited directly into your bank account. This will ensure that students receive their refunds as quickly as possible. Please go to: and follow the instructions under How to Set up Direct Deposit for Refunds.
Franklin Pierce University scholarship offers an annual Alumni Association scholarship which opens for applications in late November. When the Association is accepting applications emails are sent to all students receiving financial aid. Any other grants or scholarships that may become available through Franklin Pierce University will be communicated to students via email. There are also Graduate Assistantships available; contact Human Resources about these positions. There are a limited number of Work-Study positions available as well; contact your program director about these opportunities when your program starts.
(877) 372-7347 then press 2
Fax: (603) 899-4372
Kerrianne Conforti, Financial Aid Counselor
(603) 899-4236
Lobby Hours: 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
LiveChat: 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.