Off-campus resources
Individuals may also choose to contact off-campus support services and resources. The following organizations can provide crisis intervention services, counseling, medical attention and assistance in interfacing with the criminal justice system:
- Monadnock Community Hospital (603) 924-7191
- Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention (MCVP) (888) 511-6287
- Rindge Police Department 603-899-5009. If no answer call (603) 355- 2000 or 911 for Emergency.
- Manchester Police Department (603) 668-8711. If no answer call 911 for Emergency.
- Elliot Hospital (603) 669-5300
- YWCA Crisis Hotline 603-668-2299
- Lebanon Police Department (603) 448-1212. If no answer call 911 for Emergency.
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (603) 650-5000
- WISE Crisis Center (866) 348-9473
- Goodyear, Arizona Police Department 623-932-1220. If no answer call 911 for Emergency.
- West Valley Hospital (623) 882-1500
- EMPACT- Suicide Prevention Center Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services Main Line 480-784-1514 or Crisis Hotline 480-784-1500
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
- Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
- LGBTQ Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-832-1901
- National Organization on male Sexual Victimization/Male Survivor:
- Title IX Official Website:
- RAINN: RAINN | The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization
CONTACT Student Conduct
Barbara M. Fienmann, Ph.D., Interim Dean of Student Affairs
(603) 899-4162
Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.